Today's topic is........................
drum roll*
If Evon gets a big house when she's all grown up :D
she wants an alligator
she wants a furry tame lion
she wants a black horse
she wants a white lexus IS250
she wants an Audi R8
she wants lots and lots of puppies
she wants a room full of chocolate cookies
she wouldnt mind a Mazda 3 too
of course a BMW 3 series for the smellybutt
she wants a swimming pool! an underground one!
she wants rabbits in her compound
she wants pretty carpet grass on her lawn
she wants a nice rooftop seating area so she could admire the stars with him
well thats all i could think of now.
seeee i dont ask much
eh smellybutt? :D
ill tell you more if i could think of more. :D